Unified Brain Health Care (UBHC)

Unified Brain Health Care (UBHC)

Memory Care Clinic Support Group
3/1, Sathya Garden, M.G. Chakrapani Street, Saligramam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600093, India
Chennai, TN
Unified Brain Health Care (UBHC) was founded in 2014 (formerly, Arunai Thelirchi Maiyam) by Dr. Porrselvi A.P. UBHC is an integrated Multi-Disciplinary Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India that specializes in Emotional Well-being and Brain H


We offer a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation on par with global standards at affordable costs. We are a team of highly qualified and experienced rehabilitation professionals offering online assessments and online therapy as well as expert assessment and personalized therapy to children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly in our centre at Saligramam, Chennai.

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