Geri Care

Geri Care

Palliative Care Centre Support Group
Geri Care Hospital No.8, Dr. Nair Road, Behind Vani Mahal, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017.
Chennai, TN
Geri Care, a name that resonates with extensive medical, nursing and physiotherapy treatments has been operating in the realm of specialised geriatric care services for more than three decades.


Geri Care, a name that resonates with extensive medical, nursing and physiotherapy treatments has been operating in the realm of specialised geriatric care services for more than three decades. From personalised home care to clinical interventions, and hospital services to assisted living during and after recovery, Geri Care is a continuum of 360 care that reflects the utmost respect for the trade and compassion for human beings.

To make Geriatric Care accessible to larger masses of senior citizens and their families, and to enhance the quality of their life, promote independence, well-being and dignity.

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