India Home Health Care (IHHC)

India Home Health Care (IHHC)

Palliative Care Centre
India Home Health Care Pvt. Ltd. No : 10 , Nehru Street, Lakshmi Nagar, Sholinganallur, Chennai 600119
Chennai, TN


SafeGuard family is your trusted partner for preventive health management solutions. From digitizing medical records to conducting monthly health assessments, the SafeGuard team operates on a patient-centric ideology. SafeGuard is the ideal choice for families with elderly members, who live alone in the city. The services offered by SafeGuard are designed to help people overseas monitor the health of their loved ones seamlessly. SafeGuard focuses on helping elderly patients stay ahead of their health by rendering comprehensive preventive health management solutions.

Safeguard also specializes in routine management of chronic conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension and other health conditions from the comforts of your home

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