The little sisters of the poor

The little sisters of the poor

Palliative Care Centre
Little Sisters Of The Poor 11 HarringtonRoad Chetput Chennai - 600031
Chennai, TN
Claim Listing
Life in the Homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor in India The Little Sisters of the Poor, elderly Residents, employees, associates Jeanne Jugan, volunteers and friends and benefactors form a big family of Saint Jeanne Jugan. A great family spirit reig


Life in the Homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor in India:

The Little Sisters of the Poor, elderly Residents, employees, associates Jeanne Jugan, volunteers and friends and benefactors form a big family of Saint Jeanne Jugan. A great family spirit reigns among all. The elderly people render an enormous service in the Home, to one another and keep alive the family spirit. The employees are the close collaborators with the Little Sisters. In general, they sincerely love our Residents.

Meals are served three times a day besides refreshments in between. The Associates and volunteers offer their help whenever possible. Friends and benefactors extend their help with financial assistance, so also by sponsoring meals and providing provisions & toiletries for the Home.

School children and college students visit the Home and the elderly, some of them even do internship in the Home. Some groups conduct games and organize entertainments for the Residents. Many corporate approach the Little Sisters for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities and offer their valuable assistance. Above all, God's divine Providence takes care of all our homes and St Joseph, the provider of the Holy Family and the protector of our Congregation watches over us, his children.


The Little Sisters of the Poor welcome into their Homes for the Aged the elderly poor, irrespective of caste, creed and community and care for them until their death, free of cost, with the same spirit of religion that they would have in serving Jesus Christ himself, for it is He in truth whom they receive and assist in the Person of the Poor, as He expressly taught in the Gospel: ‘I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.'


To alleviate their physical and mental sufferings and to fulfill the deepest longings of the elderly Poor who are under our care thus witnessing the compassionate love of the Heart of Jesus Christ by :

Recognizing their dignity, their desire of being respected, esteemed and loved, and their longing to feel themselves useful;

Understanding their apprehension of solitude, together with their wish for a certain independence and privacy:

Responding to their need for security, in health as in sickness, until death.

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