Advantage Seniors

Advantage Seniors

339, 9th Main Rd, Stage 2, Eshwara Layout, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038
Bangalore, KA
Claim Listing


Our Caregivers:

Our caregivers are credited for their skills, experience, and reliability and caring nature. This is our difference. We make sure that we train, tune, sensitize, motivate and monitor. It is an ongoing process and every year they are given two orientation classes to update their knowledge. We acknowledge their sacrifice as a 24 hour live-in caregiver with lot of difficulties and challenges in the job. We prepare them to this job and request them to adjust as far as possible. Preparing them is a herculean task as well as an expensive affair because there is little time available and free food accommodation should be provided in the training period.

Nobody choses this profession due to the difficulties involved in it. The difficulties are that as a live in caregiver they have to live with a family which is absolutely strange to them. Once married, nobody comes to this profession. Many a time there will not be any assistance and the caregiver may be left alone attending the bed ridden patient. Caregiver have to adjust the different cultures and different food habits. There is always a risk that patient or patient’s relatives can misbehave. Very rarely patient or patient’s relatives understand caregiver fatigue and they expect the caregiver to work 24 hour. Above all many a time patient or patients’ relative may not even acknowledge the timely help and the difficulties and sacrifices.

A little bit background of our hiring policy will help you understand many things about our caregivers. First the difficulties getting people. Now, urban less educated girls have more opportunities in the ever booming retail industry as well as the textile industry in and around Bangalore. And these urban girls prefer to work only few day hours and not as live-ins. So hiring urban girls is near to impossible.

Now, next option is getting people from the rural areas. This is much more a daunting task as we have to overcome many more barriers. Parents are unwilling to send girls to an urban area and worried about their safety. Again social taboos and cultural adaptation are to be dealt with. In the rural areas even today marriages are conducted at a very young age. Since most of the parents are illiterate, convincing them is again near to impossible. Let’s assume we are successful in jumping these hurdles and bring them to training. While on training, more than 50% of the trainees will drop out saying that they don’t want to do this dirty, difficult job. People like to choose relatively easy glamourous jobs. Here it is a dirty job of cleaning the patient, staying 24-hour with the patient, and confining to the four walls of the patient room with the personal freedom curtailed.

To overcome all these challenges we have started a project called “Swawalabhini”, in the north Karnataka villages. Here we have followed the principles of backward integration. We work with the selected taluks and among the women. That is how we procure trainees. All our caregivers have a reference and we are in constant touch with their families. Their educational qualification is 10th or PUC. To work as a caregiver in a home setting, our experience tells that it is not qualification or skills that matter, more than that it is the attitude and patience that matters. We impart basic skills and a whole lot of qualities and motivate them to take up this noble job. We train them in our managed care facilities for two months and impart all the necessary skills for caregiving.

We don’t allow our customers to interview the caregivers before they hire. This is because you’ll not be able to judge the capabilities of our caregivers. We are the best to judge. We know that the right match is important and we make every effort to accurately match our caregivers to our clients.

Aging isn’t easy. Not for the person who is getting older. Not for their family. New challenges crop up almost daily. They can easily overwhelm everyone involved. advantAGE seniors can help. We simplify daily living for families in need.

Every patient is unique for us because the disease varies, need differs and family dynamics changes so we draw a custom made care plan for each patient. Our assessment sessions are too elaborate which will give us the maximum info about the disease and the condition. This when we juxtapose with the family dynamics, we are ready with a long term care plan. We insist that there is no tacky or sloppy approach possible when it comes to long term care. Long term care should be meticulously planned with the in-built mechanism of constant reviews as the condition changes. If the condition changes to a different level, one should be open for a different strategy.

13 years in this Industry and countless number of patients has taught us good and bad lessons. We treat you like our own friend, because you are. We listen, because your experience and input help us make it simpler for thousands of families like yours. We strive to provide the best experience possible, because you expect nothing less. We make doing business with us easy, because you have more important things to worry about. We talk openly because only truth prevails and we don’t want to give you false promises.We stick to a simple and straightforward approach. Nothing unambiguous about our functioning so wepromise:

Best quality

Compassionate Care

Professional Approach

Honest Dealing

Ethical Practice

High Standards

Continuity of Care

Straightforward Attitude

Transparent Protocol

And above all


We Guarantee Compatibility

We tailor our services to meet the individual needs of each client. We provide a guarantee of compatibility, therefore if a conflict will arise, we will not be satisfied until the client is satisfied with the Caregiver. We match their language capabilities as well as their familiarity with the clinical condition. Our guarantee offers our clients the peace of mind knowing they can replace the Caregiver at any time.

We Guarantee Continuity of Care

Change can be difficult especially for the patient who is used to a particular caregiver; therefore we strive to maintain the highest level of continuity for each client. Change of caregiver happens only when it is absolute necessary. Having the same Caregiver offers priceless stability for patients and family members.

We guarantee trained and experienced caregivers

Each care giver is selected for training after evaluating their passion for caring and we reject the prospective candidates if they don’t understand the nuances of caregiving. We conduct a thorough background check and have direct contact with the parents, thus all the Caregivers are thoroughly pre-screened. Each Caregiver attends a two month orientation class and they all have on the job training. We follow the curriculum of American Red Cross society.

We Guarantee Proper Monitoring

Periodical monitoring is done to understand the patient’s condition as well as the caregivers involvement. We take periodic feedback from the family as well as the caregiver. This will give us the opportunity to improve upon the caregiving standards.

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