Dr. Prashant Goyal Clinic

Dr. Prashant Goyal Clinic

Memory Care Clinic
GG-1/193A, Ground Floor, Landmark: Behind PVR Cinema, Delhi
Delhi, DL


Dr. Prashant Goyal, Best Psychiatrist in Delhi, has extensive training and experience in his profession and is well-versed in the segments of psychopathology, psychopharmacology, neuroscience, clinical genetics, psychological therapies, research methodology, and statistics. He has had clinical training in geriatric and forensic psychiatry, as well as psychotherapy/behaviour therapy, neurology, hyperkinetic and conduct disorders, autism, dyslexia and intellectual disability. During his training, he worked on around 1,000 new cases and did follow-ups on more than 5,000 cases in various areas of psychiatry. His in-patient involvement consisted of working in the psychiatry ward with pharmacological and psychosocial intervention, and de-addiction including therapy.

The community service delivery programme that Dr. Goyal was enrolled into the entailed running of educational and treatment-based camps for patients with mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders. He was also exposed to consultation-liaison psychiatry, psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and around 200 electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) sessions. As a senior resident, his inpatient duties included diagnosis, formulation and implementation of comprehensive management strategies based on the bio-psycho-social model, review of clinical status and management plans. In addition, he has had two years of experience of working with the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre at AIIMS and thus is well-equipped to deal with patients with alcohol, opioid and other substance dependence.

Dr. Goyal has several publications to his name in peer-reviewed journals, and he has also made presentations at various conferences connected with psychiatry. He is a member of many professional associations and regularly participates in conferences, workshops and seminars. He has trained undergraduate and postgraduate students in the psychiatry, medicine, clinical psychology and psychiatric social work streams. He also devotes considerable time towards social work, by looking at various aspects of community psychiatry.

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